Single Mattress Sizes - The Queen Size Review

What size does a single mattress need to be? Well this really depends on you and the space you have, but in my opinion the most versatile mattress size is the queen size dimensions .

Please note, this review will not discuss the different types of mattress material and padding, today we are just going to address points relating to the size of the mattress. This review also assumes that individuals looking to use the bed are average size and weight, and do not require any special sleeping arrangements.

I believe the queen size mattress is the most versatile mattress size for a number of reasons.

Firstly, if you spend the majority of nights sleeping on your own, it provides a size of bed that gives you lots of space and comfort, whilst not taking up as much physical space as a king or emperor size mattress. However if you have the occasional visitor to stay that you share a bed with, the queen size mattress provides ample sleeping space for two people for the night.

If you live in a small house or apartment with your partner and space if fairly limited, a queen size mattress also provide an adequate sleeping space - not ideal, i personally prefer to go bigger as I like my own sleeping space however if is considerably better that using a standard double bed, without it being significantly bigger (only 6 inches in width).

The actually dimensions of a queen size bed dimensions is 60×80 in (152x203 cm) in America, and 160×200 cm (63.0x78.7 in) in Europe.

Other mattress sizes include, the Double/Full XL (UK: double) at 54×80 in (137×203 cm) which is slightly smaller and the King size at 76×80 in (193×203 cm) which is the ext biggest size.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lifesmart Premier 1-2 Person Sauna with 4 Ceramic Heaters and MP3 Hook Up

This moment I will provide interesting information for you, you can get a Lifesmart Premier 1-2 Person Sauna with 4 Ceramic Heaters and MP3 Hook Up at a very cheap price especially for This day. But before you continue reading, please see reviews about Lifesmart Premier 1-2 Person Sauna with 4 Ceramic Heaters and MP3 Hook Up below

Features :

  1. Improves the Immune System & Blood Circulation.
  2. Removes Trapped Toxins From Under Your Skin While Improving Skin Tone.
  3. Burns Up to 600 Calories in 30 Minutes While Helping to Clear Cellulite.


This Lifesmart Sauna is made of only Reforested Wood Products to help improve the environment. Until now most people would have to join a gym to enjoy a relaxing sauna. It is now possible for you to remove body toxins, increase blood circulation, ease pain from sore muscles or aching joints. This Lifesmart Premier Sauna features the latest in sauna technology. We have upgraded the state of the art ceramic heating system by 25% The Sauna now produces more heat in the Far Infrared form than any other system on the market.


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